You’ve probably heard the phrase, “There’s more than one way to crack an egg.” But is there really? Basically you cause the egg to come into contact with some sort of hard surface, either a kitchen tool or counter, and it cracks. You could maybe drop it on the floor, but that would render it pretty much useless, so even though it cracks, it probably shouldn’t be included in one of the ways to crack an egg. 

And what about squeezing a tube? Is there more than one way to get that last little bit out of a tube? Well, let’s consider some options and rate them on effort and efficiency. Here is a comparative analysis of different ways to squeeze a tube.

Use a Pair of Pliers

Effort: Medium

Efficiency: 1/5

First of all, do you have pliers? And more importantly, do you know where they are? You probably have to spend some time and energy looking for them. Once you find them, gripping them repeatedly can be uncomfortable as you try to work the contents from the bottom of the tube to the opening. You also risk tearing the tube and having the contents leak out from unexpected places. The bottom line here is that you might get something out of the tube, but it’ll probably be a mess, and you won’t get all of it out. 

Use Your Hands

Effort: Medium to High

Efficiency: 2/5

This technique is the classic go-to for most people, but really it depends on how strong you are and how long you have to sit there and work the contents out of the tube that counts. And if you have arthritis or the tube is made of a thicker material, it’s probably going to be even more challenging to get everything out effectively. 

Cut the Tube in Half

Effort: Medium

Efficiency: 3/5

For this technique, first you’d have to find a large enough pair of scissors to cut the tube in half, or try sawing through that industrial strength tube with a knife. Once it’s opened up, the contents are probably going to make a mess while spilling out onto the countertop. Maybe you could scoop some up and still be able to use a little of it, but, really…is it worth the mess?

Step On The Tube

Effort: Medium

Efficiency: 0/5

Stepping on a tube may seem like a quick fix, and it may even sound like a satisfying solution if you’ve been frustrated with the tube you’re trying to squeeze. But let’s face it, it’s more of a messy dance move than an efficient solution. Sure, you might get a few drops out, but at what cost? The effort-to-results ratio is hardly worth it. Not to mention the risk of bursting the tube and creating an even bigger mess on the floor that you’ll have to clean up. 

Use The Original Tube Wringer

Effort: Low

Efficiency: 5/5

For minimizing effort and maximizing efficiency, The Original Tube Wringer is a clear winner This timeless tool comes in three models – light, medium, and heavy duty. No matter what size tube you need to squeeze, there’s a tube wringer to meet your needs! That last drop of toothpaste? The light duty can handle it. Want to get full use of the hair dye, paint or caulk you spent good money on? The medium tube wringer is your new best friend. And when you’re ready to get serious for shop or studio use, the heavy duty wringer is your best bet. No need to lose out on that last drop of expensive adhesive!


After a complete comparative analysis, the verdict is in! 

With so many uses and built to last, The Original Tube Wringer is your best choice for all your tube wringing needs. So ditch the scissors, stop squeezing by hand, and look no further. The ultimate tube wringing tool is sold right here.